This is a basic but high performance range of Pool Dehumidifier/Air Handling Units for use with distribution ductwork.
This was one of the first Calorex Dehumidifiers, some 30 years ago. Very popular in its day as Calorex was one of the original manufacturers of dehumidifiers specifically for indoor swimming pools.
Calorex has a reputation for excellent build quality and some units are only just being replaced/updated. That tells its own story. Ask any pool professional to name a good quality reliable brand and 9 out of 10 would say Calorex.
All units vertically configured and normally built with the spigot on top for air off.
The Variheat Series 1 provides dehumidification and has its own humidistat. Plumbing connections are also provided for recovering heat to the pool water. However, heating and controls for both air and pool water are not built into these units.
Variheat Series 1 units provide an ideal budget solution for high capacity dehumidification. These units are also available with low output fan and/or rear air outlet options. All units include an integral humidistat, but no integral air heating facility.
Pool water connections are applicable. Units incorporate a defrost facility enabling them to operate in colder conditions.
Please note we would only recommend replacing a Calorex Series 1 like for like in extreme circumstances. Calorex offer a much better and wider range of options. For Example the Calores Variheat Series 2, Calorex Variheat Series 3 or even the AA300 Range may be better.
Advances in technology mean heat recover back to air and or water are the norm. Using heat pump technology to remove the moisture from the air can in fact heat your swimming pool water. We can provide a full package that can include installation and any ductwork alterations. Please call us for full details and free independent advice.
Calorex Variheat Series 1 Models and Additional Options
Please ask if you have any questions before ordering, alternatively download the full product pdf which details sizes etc - see resources tab above.
Calorex Variheat Series 1 Model 1200 Three Phase AW1200BF
Here you will find all the product details you will ever need.