The Zodiac B3 automatic suction cleaner is a robot cleaner with new generation suction. Fitted with the DiaCyclone diaphragm, exclusive patented Zodiac technology, it is ideal for cleaning small and medium-sized pools. Connected directly to the pool vacumm point or skimmer socket. With its new Twist Lock connection system, the T3 moves around the pool economically and efficiently. A Zodiac Pool Care innovation, the suction hose system makes it easy to connect the hoses completely securely, with improved suction performance (maximum seal). The robot adapts to all shapes of swimming pools and all linings.
Box includes: cleaner body, disc, 10 twist-lock hose sections (1m each), quick connector, hose weight, flow gauge, flow keeper valve, valve cuff, wheel deflector, 45 degree elbow, and twist lock elbow.
The Zodiac B3 is a dependable suction-side cleaner for all different types of in-ground pool.
No installation is required - it connects directly into the suction line or skimmer.
Efficient performance means it can pick up more debris from the pool floor and walls.
Only 1 moving part!
Please note a pump of at least 0.5HP is required for operation.
Please call if you have any questions before ordering. We can supply a wide range of swimming pool cleaning and maintenance equipment not yet on our website.
Please visit our How To Look After Your Swimming Pool Section for an detailed look at pool care and maintenance for different types of pool. The review run through the regular maintenance required to keep your pool safe for all the family. How to look after your swimming pool. >>>>
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